Today was my last day of work for 2005. My employer, Guidant Corporation, closes around every Christmas. That plus some unused vacation time makes for almost 2 weeks off. I've got some projects around the house this year, including this blog.
Minnesota Electronic Theater
On Thursday the local SIGGRAPH group held MET2005, their annual show of local animation and visual effect works. This year it was held at Intermedia Arts in Uptown. It was a really good show this year. Very strong entries from MCAD. In fact, an MCAD student won the student category. Charles Meyer from Wet Cement Productions talked to the crowd of 50 or so people about his studios success in creating their own content.
Posted by
Robbie Halvorson
Thursday, December 08, 2005
John Berkey Exhibition
My friend Bryn and I journeyed to the small college town of Northfield, MN where an art gallery there was displays the works of one of my all time favorite illustrators, John Berkey. It seems like I've had a life long connection with this man and having the chance to see his work live was a real treat.
My first introduction to Berkey was by way of the 70's paperback edition of Robert E Heinlien's 'Starman Jones' for which Berkey was the cover artist. That was the first 'big book' I ever read as a kid. It took me forever to read so I spent a lot of time looking at the cover. I think I've read that the man on the cover was actually a self portrait although that might be another book cover. As my sci-fi library expanded throughout my teens, I was always able to spot Berkey's covers. Now mind you, I had no idea who was painting them and probably didn't care either. It was all about the space ships at that point and I know what I liked. I think I even bought a couple books simply because of the Berkey covers. Bantam, Del Rey, etc... would probably love to hear that.
Many years later after getting my own art degree and having drawn sketch books full of my own space ships, I was working on the U of Minnesota campus when I saw that the comic shop across the street was going to have a book signing for John Berkey's first book 'Painted Space'. At the signing I think I was the last person there because I got to talk to him for what now seems like hours. He took interest in my art degree and we talked about North Dakota where we were both born. He invited me to come visit his studio in Deephaven. I was thrilled! It was like being asked to come to a batting cage with a major leaguer. Sadly I was not able to do so becuase I was about to move to Japan. A true disappointment of my life.
When I returned from Japan 2 years later, I worked brief at the Fingerhut photo studio. One of the set Stylists I worked with was Berkey's daughter Sharon. This was about 1994. Sharon got me some signed trading cards.
I happened to find out about the exhibition atArtOrg in Northfield while surfing the web but missed the opening by just a week. Damn! At least I didn't miss it completely. Bryn and I had fun dissecting the pieces as only scifi artist could - looking at the materials used, wonder about the coating he gave every illustration, saying that this or that ship just couldn't work, typical stuff. We learned that this was Berkey's first ever public showing which was really amazing to me considering how often I've heard his name mentioned in the scifi world. Recognition is sadly overdue. We also learned that Berkey is very ill.
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Robbie Halvorson
Monday, December 05, 2005
Labels: Art
3December Event
On Saturday I hosted the Alias 3December event in downtown St Paul. It's an annual event they do to celebrate CGI. Alias only really gets involved in LA, London, and New York but they were happy to help local user groups, like ours, throw a party. Josh Seaver was a huge help in getting a meeting room at the Science Museum. We had 62 people show up which was really amazing considering some came from Brainard, Duluth, Madison, and even Savannah, GA. Ok, he was home from school there.
We had a lot of fun. I had to keep things rolling along so I didn't get to mingle and enjoy as much as I would have like to but I think everyone else had a good time. For me it was totally worth all the work. I've got some photos up on my flickr site.
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Robbie Halvorson
Sunday, December 04, 2005