I have done this race for the last few years mostly because it's sponsored by my company so I can get in for free. It's what is usually considered a fun run so they really aren't concerned about keeping results beyond the first few speedsters.
For me getting to the race was more of an adventure. I left the house early so that I could get to downtown Minneapolis in time for a warm up. However I94 west was down to one lane so I ended up getting to the parking lot 4 minutes before start time! My warm up was the run to the start line. But 'lucky' for be the race was delayed for 10 minutes because of - RAIN!
When we finally got underway in the light drizzle, I used my usual starting tactic to get clear. We run north along the Mississippi and at the first mile I was at 6:25 which was right on target for a sub 20:00 finish. Great! Soon we crossed the mighty Mississippi and turned south. Like most of the people around me I go right by the water station (although I did note the cute cheerleaders!). I was feeling really good through mile 2 but at the 2 mile marker I was at 13:20. Not good, I'm slipping off the pace. We ran in front of the historic mill district of Minneapolis, the huge mills that feed the world a 100 years ago. Then we turned onto the Stone Arc bridge back to the west side and the finish line. I'm hammer hard because I just know I'm close to 20:00. At about 300 feet from the tape I can see the offical clock and it is already reading 20:00. Dammit! I'm way off! I was really deflated and slowed a bit. However I sprinted the last few yards so that I crossed the line at 20:55. I didn't make my long standing goal however on the good side I was over 60 seconds faster then last year. Gaining 20 per mile in a 3 mile race certainly is something to be happy with.
After the finish I pretty much continued to jog to the food area, grabbed the free stuff, then headed to the Element with my arms full of banana, milk, sport drinks and muffins. Glad to be going home.
Race Report #4; Pacemaker 5000
Posted by
Robbie Halvorson
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Labels: Racing
Pro Bike Race
My photos can been seen here.
The offical site is here.
Posted by
Robbie Halvorson
Monday, June 19, 2006
Labels: Biking
Race Report #3: Withrow TT
The evening for the second TT was beautiful. Sunny, warm, with a slight wind. I arrived late due to the highway contruction that's plaguing my commute this Summer. I almost missed getting a number since they are limiting the race to 50 - I was #41. Since I was so far back I was able to get a good warm up ride before lining up. As I understand it, the muscles need a chance to start processing the lactic acid in the muscles and kinda 'come up to speed' so that when you start the race they don't need the first few miles to do it. Lactic acid is the thing that makes the muscles ache and limits performance.
I started the 13 mile loop in good shape and hoping for a personal record, or PR. At about the half way point the guy that started 30 seconds behind me passed me slowly. He ended up being a good carrot for me as I was able to keep him in sight for the rest of the ride.
At one corner I went out to the centerline and set up for a fast right hand turn. I looked ahead but still managed to surprised a pickup coming from the left as I rounded the corner (the course was T'ing into a county road) at probably 15 mph. It wasn't a close call or anything because I stayed on the shoulder, but I surprised him and he honked at me. I probably deserved it.
On the final one mile leg I really felt good and went for broke. In the end I posted a 33:58. Good enough for 14th place of 43 riders. That was 1 minute faster then last month but still not my fastest time for the course (33:51). I will need to shed about 20 seconds to get to my goal of an overall average speed of 24 mph.
It was a great night and I was happy with my result. You can also read my neighor's blog entry about his race. Jeff Ingham He's a lot more technical then me.
Posted by
Robbie Halvorson
Wednesday, June 14, 2006